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How Do You Build Easy Lego M416

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Are you looking for some LEGO inspiration, for ideas on fun things to build with all those iconic bricks? Give your creativity and imagination a boost with more than 50+ LEGO instructions and how-to videos that are sure to turn you into a Master Builder. Don't forget to let us know how you get on!

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LEGO has been a firm favourite with generations of children and adults, offering plenty of opportunity for creativity, design and STEM activities.

While there is plenty of scope for free-range play, your child might be looking for some inspiration and encouragement to try something new. Our list of LEGO instructions has it all – from chocolate cake to hot air balloons and retro arcade games to vintage cars – and soon your child will be building just about anything!

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LEGO Instructions: Animals & Nature

LEGO instructions for unicorn

Image: Frugal Fun

Who doesn't love unicorns? These colourful beauties from Frugal Fun 4 Boys are a fun build – I particularly love the colourful mane, but a few easy tweaks would turn these unicorns into Black Beauty, or any other horse that takes your fancy!

LEGO instructions for crab

Image: Flikr

This fantastically detailed blue crab from Sergey Slobodenyuk on Flickr comes with step-by-step instructions so you can create one too.

LEGO instructions for lobster

Image: Tolemigoca

Make a friend for the blue crab with this little lobster from Tolemigoca, complete with tiny pincers for a quick and easy build. We didn't have enough red ones to recreate the one pictured, so we made a rainbow lobster that looked…interesting!

LEGO flower

Image: Brick 101

Create a springtime feel with these very cool LEGO flowers from Brick 101 – you could create a whole garden!

LEGO instructions for rainbow

Image: Little Bins for Little Hands

These vibrant rainbows from Little Bins for Little Hands are very easy to construct, and add lots of fantastic colour to any type of play scene.

LEGO instructions for elephant

Image: LEGO Instructions

LEGO Instructions shows how to make this cute little elephant with an easy step-by-step video here, and uses Duplo so it's suitable for even little LEGO fans. Imagine a whole herd of these!

This show-stopping turkey from LEGOLand Discovery Centre in Boston is perfect for a farmyard scene, or as a seasonal Thanksgiving centrepiece.

LEGO instructions for dog

Image: Tolemigoca

Every home should have a dog…even if it's just a little LEGO one! This little pup, created with a video by Tolemigoca, comes complete with his bowl of food and is ready for play time!

Well, isn't he just adorable?! Bricksir shows you how to make your own little penguin with an easy-to-follow video. And the best bit, is that all it takes are very basic bricks that you probably have at home.

LEGO instructions for bird

Image: LEGO Instructions

This simple little bird house is a great build for little ones, and is easily made with a few key bricks. Thanks LEGO Instructions for the how-to video which you can watch here!

LEGO butterfly

Image: Brick 101

Get creative with your own butterfly, thanks to video instructions from Brick 101 – can you recreate a Red Admiral or a Monarch butterfly?

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LEGO Instructions: Vehicles & Transport

LEGO instructions for De marco vintage car

Image: De Marco Bricks and Wheels

I love this "Christine" car, modelled on a vintage 1958 Plymouth Fury, created by De Marco Bricks and Wheels. You can get the parts list here and then see the video on how to build it here.

LEGO Ambulance

Image: De Marco Bricks and Wheels

Another great vintage creation from De Marco Bricks and Wheels is this classic ambulance. You'll find the parts list here and the video on how to build it here.

Lego instructions how to build micro farm tractor and equipment

Image: JK Brickworks

This range of LEGO micro farm equipment, created by JK Brickworks, are teeny and extremely precise!

LEGO race car

Image: Tolemigoca

Designed for speed, this F1 race car replica in LEGO from Tolemigoca is perfect for racing fans!

LEGO instructions for balloon car

Image: The Crafty Mummy

Combine LEGO building with some science and create this balloon-powered LEGO car, inspired by The Crafty Mummy. Blow up the balloon, let it go and watch how it powers the car to move!

LEGO car

Image: Brick 101

Who needs wheels and fancy parts when you can build a car entirely from bricks? Brick 101 shows you how with a video tutorial.

LEGO instructions for skates

Image: LEGO

If two wheels are more your thing, get building these retro roller skates with instructions direct from LEGO.

LEGO hot air balloon

Image: Tolemigoca

Soar above the (LEGO) clouds with this very cool hot air balloon, using classic bricks, built by Tolemigoca.

LEGO plane

Image: Nonsense the Merrier

Alternatively take flight in this very cute little prop plane, with video instructions from Nonsense The Merrier.

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LEGO Instructions: Favourite Characters

LEGO instructions for minion

Image: BrickBum

Build your very own Minion, thanks to these step-by-step instructions from BrickBum. You could have your own Minion army like Gru in no time!

LEGO instructions for yoda

Image: Frugal Fun

Embark on a classic Star Wars build with Yoda, thanks to step-by-step instructions and lots of photos from Frugal Fun 4 Boys.

LEGO Star Wars

Image: Captain Hobby

Keep the Star Wars theme going with a Death Star, thanks to video instructions from Captain Hobby…

LEGO Star Wars

Image: Captain Hobby

…who also shows you how to create R2-D2 and BB-8 to complete your Star Wars collection.

LEGO instructions for super mario

Retro gaming fans and young gamers alike will love this opportunity to build a LEGO Super Mario, with instructions from Crazy LEGO Santa – who also has another video on how to build a LEGO Luigi.

LEGO Bowser

Image: Brick 101

Keeping with the Super Mario theme, what about building LEGO Bowser like Brick 101 did? With full video instructions, you'll have him built in no time!

LEGO instructions for pacman

Image: Instructables

If we stick with retro games, what about building 3D Pacman ghosts thanks to these instructions we found on Instructables?

LEGO instructions for minecraft

Image: Instructables

Minecraft Steve built out of LEGO is a great project to take on for Minecraft fans, with full step-by-step instructions on Instructables.

LEGO Pokemon

Image: Captain Hobby

It's Captain Hobby to the rescue again, this time with the perfect build for Pokemon fans. Build your own Pokeball, then use the same instructions to build a Great Ball, Ultra Ball or Master Ball.

LEGO Instructions for Winnie the Pooh

Image: True Dimensions

LEGO fans of all ages will love to build the classic Winnie the Pooh, thanks to directions on True Dimensions.

LEGO My Little Pony

Image: Nonsense the Merrier

Are you a My Little Pony fan? Nonsense The Merrier has recreated several of the most popular ponies, including Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia.

LEGO instructions for angry birds

Image: Macenstein

Check out how to make your favourite Angry Birds characters with these instructions, and get cracking on creating your own bird army!

LEGO instructions for emoji

Image: Flickr

There is an emoji for all occasions, and now you can build your very own with LEGO! Iain Heath shared his Brick-moji creations on Flickr, with instructions on how to build the heart-eye emoji here. Use the basic structure to then build your favourite emoji.

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LEGO Instructions: Fun & Games

LEGO instructions for chess

Image: Teach Beside Me

A LEGO chessboard is incredibly creative, and we love this version from Teach Beside Me. Building it on a base plate also means that it could work for car journeys too!

LEGO instructions for video game

Image: Chris McVeigh

Chris McVeigh, the King of creative LEGO builds, designed these arcade games and you can find the instructions for building your own here.

LEGO instructions for catapult

Image: Little Bins for Little Hands

Prepare to launch! Build your own LEGO catapult with top tips from Little Bins For Little Hands, which also includes a tension experiment for kids that will help teach them while they play.

LEGO instructions for optical illusion

Image: Instructables

What about this amazing LEGO optical illusion? It's incredibly effective, and you can create your own version with the colours of your choice.

LEGO instructions for fidget spinner

Image: Frugal Fun

Do your kids love fidget spinners? They will love creating this easy LEGO fidget spinner from Frugal Fun 4 Boys…

LEGO instructions for fidget spinner 2

Image: Doodle Craft Blog

…or these ones from Doodle Craft Blog which come in all shapes and sizes.

LEGO Instructions shadow theatre

Image: LEGO

Create your very own shadow theatre for some lightbox fun! This one uses LEGO Duplo, but you could use any bricks to create the same idea – all you need is a sheet of A4 paper and a flashlight, then let your imagination run wild!

LEGO Instructions for tic tac toe

Image: The Maven

While this doesn't take any building, The Maven created a fun way to play tic tac toe with LEGO – which would be perfect for car journeys or travelling.

lego maze (1)

Image: The Crafty Mummy

Create a marble run like this one from The Crafty Mummy, which is a great tool for motor skills, balance and creativity.

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LEGO Instructions: Food & Drink

LEGO instructions for cake

Image: Chris McVeigh

Happy birthday to me…! Celebrate all your birthdays with an amazing LEGO chocolate cake, courtesy of Chris McVeigh.

LEGO watermelon

Image: Tolemigoca

Or opt for something a little healthier with a slice of watermelon, complete with all its trademark colours, built by Tolemigoca.

LEGO instructions for candy dispenser

Image: Frugal Fun

Frugal Fun 4 Boys created a fantastically clever LEGO candy dispenser which uses standard bricks and is the perfect size for M&Ms, Skittles or Smarties. Yes please!

Fancy a cupcake? What about this yummy one from LEGOLand Discovery Centre in Boston, which comes with easy video instructions.

LEGO instructions for apples

Image: Little Bins for Little Hands

These LEGO apples from Little Bins for Little Hands are an easy build that even the youngest brick fan can get involved with.

Lego pizza

Image: Brick 101

Brick 101 uses classic, easy to find bricks to create this LEGO pizza – but you could change it up and add all your favourite pizza toppings!

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LEGO Instructions: Miscellaneous

Lego retro cassette player

First, you need to explain to your kids what a cassette is…then they can have a go at building this detailed LEGO cassette player, complete with the door that pops open!

Lego piano

The Brick Lab came up with this fantastic idea for a LEGO piano, and you'll love the step-by-step video instructions to build your own.

Lego guitar

Image: Nonsense the Merrier

Stick with a musical theme and build your own LEGO guitar, thanks to this video from Nonsense The Merrier. You could have a whole band in no time!

LEGO instructions for frame

Image: Lalymom

Treasure a memory with your very own LEGO photo frame, just like this one from Lalymom. These would be perfect for a LEGO-themed kids' room!

LEGO instructions for cuckoo clock

Image: Sven Franic

This immaculate LEGO cuckoo clock was created by Sven Franic as part of an exhibition contest to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the LEGO brick. The clock is displayed in Lego House, and the hands point to the exact time that LEGO was originally patented. While the instructions for the house aren't currently available, you can build your very own LEGO cuckoo with Sven's instructions here.

LEGO charging station

Image: Instructables

Never lose your phone or device again, with a purpose-built LEGO charging station from Instructables that you can tailor to your own needs. We love this one!

LEGO instructions for vase

Image: Fab Art DIY

Incorporate LEGO into your home with this great idea for a LEGO vase. All you need is a base plate and a selection of bricks – use a tall glass cylinder vase inside for your blooms, making it easy to change as needed.

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Phew, after all that building you must be exhausted! Keep an eye out for more LEGO instructions soon…!

50+ Free LEGO Instructions: Learn How To Be a Master Builder! - Mykidstime

Emily Manning
Emily is the coffee-loving Editor of MyKidsTime. Mum of one daughter and two naughty Tibetan Terriers, she is particularly partial to Curly Wurlys and unable to resist pretty stationery and new cookbooks. As an avid foodie and domestic goddess-wannabe, she is most likely to be found in the kitchen.
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